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电磁阀包括线圈、磁铁、顶杆。当线圈接通电流,便产生了磁性,跟磁铁相互吸引,磁铁就会拉动顶杆。关闭电源,磁铁和顶杆就复位了,这样电磁阀就完成了作功过程。这就是 电磁阀的工作原理。
电磁阀一般用于液压系统,来关闭和开通油路。实际上,根据流过介质的温度(进口高温电磁阀),压力(进口高压电磁阀)等情况,比如管道有压力和自流状态无压力。电磁阀的工作原理是不同的 。比如在自流状态下需要零压启动的,就是通电后,线圈整个把闸体吸起来。而有压力状态的电磁阀,则是线圈通电后吸出插在闸体上的一个销子,用流体自身的压力把闸体顶起 来。这两种方式的不同之处是,自流状态的电磁阀,因为线圈要吸起整个闸体,所以体积较大而带压状态的电磁阀,只需要吸起销子,所以体积可以做的比较小。
The structure and working principle of the brief solenoid valve The solenoid valve coil, magnet, and ejector. When the coil is connected to electricity, they generate a magnetic, mutual attraction with the magnet, the magnet will pull the mandrel. Turn off the power supply, magnet and plunger on reset, so that the solenoid valve complete for the power process. This is the working principle of the solenoid valve. The solenoid valve is generally used in hydraulic systems, closing and opening of the oil. In fact, according to the temperature, pressure flow through the media, such as pipeline pressure and gravity state pressure. Solenoid valve working principle is different. For example, in gravity state zero pressure started, is energized, the coil throughout the gate body sucked up. Pressure on the state of the solenoid valve coil is energized, sucked out of a pin inserted in the gate body, top of the gate body with the pressure of the fluid itself. These two modes of difference is that the gravity state of the solenoid valve coil you want to pick up the entire gate body, so the larger solenoid valve with a pressure state, only need to pick up the pin, so the volume can be done relatively smaller.
 上一条:[图文]进口调节阀的选型分析     下一条:[图文]进口电磁阀安装注意事项
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联系人:黄先生 手机:15910656008 邮箱:dtkfm@126.com

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